This page is for Employers. Please post your job openings here

All posts must include name of business, date of closing, and how to apply
All posts will be deleted after 30 days if no closing date mentioned.

Banger's Bar and Pizza
Banger's Bar and PIzza
We are starting the hiring process!!! We will be hiring for several different positions, full time, part time, day and night positions. Please pick up an application at Dove Creek Sinclair or Stateline and turn it back in at either of those places. Please...only bring your application back if you’re serious about working. If you have children then please have a reliable sitter. We want to have a good team that’s ready to work and have fun doing it! We will accept applications for a few more days then start interviews. Thank you and have a fantastic day!!!
Dove Creek School District
Dolores County School District
Dove Creek High/Middle school is seeking qualified coaches for head boys basketball coach, middle school assistant cheer, middle school football, middle school volleyball. Applications can be found on our website, coaching opportunities. Contact Shane Baughman at with questions
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